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Strategies for Startups to Find and Hire Developers(2024)

Finding and hiring the right developers is a cornerstone for your startup’s success, especially given the precarious nature of startup longevity. Statistics reveal that 70% […]

10 Tech Recruitment Tips That Matter – Backed By Our IT Experts

Hiring developers can be challenging if you don’t have any technical background. You can have general guidelines and a technical recruiting cheat sheet, but it […]

What is Remote Recruitment and How Can It Help My Company?

Remote recruitment, also known as virtual recruitment, is the process of sourcing, interviewing, evaluating, and hiring employees for remote positions, all conducted virtually through modern […]

This enables our team to deliver their best work and innovate how headhunting and HR are done on a global scale.

The Ultimate Guide of Remote Team Project Management Tools

At the crux of successful remote work is the technology that enables it. Sure, remote work takes away the option to look over an employees’ […]

How to Interview Remote Team Members

Remember when you had your first job interview? You had to get all dressed up, practice in front of the mirror, and hope for the […]

How Remote Work Is Helping To Close The Gender Pay Gap

he gender pay gap is closing quickly for remote workers. Read more about how the ability to work remotely and to work from home is helping women even the odds. Do you care about ending the gender pay gap? Remote work may be a solution.

Research vs Experience: How do studies on remote working compare to reality?

At DistantJob we’ve gained our expertise in remote working the hard way. We don’t just specialize in finding the best global talent for your software […]

How To Hire a DevOps Engineer

DevOps can be a little bit hard to understand, as this term encompasses many different things. However, once you understand it and its advantages, you […]

Testimonial – How CEATI International’s Expectations Were Blown Away

The Centre for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI) is a user-driven organization that brings its electrical utility participants together to collaborate. Their goal: to […]

Testimonial – From Remote Developer at Surgent to Managing An Entire Remote Team

Surgent Professional Education is the largest independent provider of continuing education for CPAs and other financial professionals in the U.S. Surgent aims to serve as the […]

Like it or not, remote is the future of the workforce

Maybe the whole idea of a distributed workforce is still Greek to you, and you’re not quite sure what to think of it. Ever wondered where […]

A Guide to Understanding and Engaging Introverts In The Workplace: The Wallflower Personality

Have you ever heard of the so-called ‘wallflower personalities’? We all have that type of friend. The one who never hangs out on Friday and […]

Reduce Development Workload And Time With The Right Developer

When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

Increase your development output within the next 30 days without sacrificing quality.

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