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Category: Managing Remote Developers

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Why is IT Project Management a Game-Changer for Your Business 

The success of high-stakes deliverables, such as developing a new website or a complex app, is not solely attributable to skilled developers; it’s largely due […]

Software Development Project Management Simplified: A Beginner’s Guide

In the field of project management, software development stands out as a particularly complex and dynamic area. According to a Techpedia report, organizations using project […]

6 Reasons Why Code Reviews Are Especially Important for Remote Developers & Best Practices for Implementation

There are a lot of compelling reasons to carry out code reviews for distributed teams. Code review is an essential step in software development, focusing […]

How to Retain Software Developers in Your Startup?

Finding software developers already presents a demanding task, requiring the use of the right strategies and hiring processes. But even after you successfully hire a […]

Characteristics of Transformational Leadership in Remote Organizations

In the world of remote work, where nuances matter and the challenges are as real as they come, there’s one leadership style that’s been making […]

Time Zone Overlap: A Remote Dev Team’s Competitive Edge

Time zone overlap can be a powerful strategy for effective communication, collaboration, and productivity within remote developer teams. A FlexJobs report revealed that 54% of […]

How to Manage Developers In A Remote Team: The 7 Strategies for Success

Learning how to manage developers through challenging projects by providing them with career development opportunities and support is key to better performance, engagement, and efficiency.  […]

Onboarding A Remote Developer

Whether you’ve been running a remote team for years or just taking your first tentative steps into hiring a remote programmer, you can’t escape the necessity of […]

6 Best Practices Of IT Resource Management

Information Technology Resource Management (ITRM) is the planning, scheduling, and allocating of resources required for practical project completion or business success. ITRM involves a delicate […]

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