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Strategies for Startups to Find and Hire Developers(2024)

Finding and hiring the right developers is a cornerstone for your startup’s success, especially given the precarious nature of startup longevity. Statistics reveal that 70% […]

10 Tech Recruitment Tips That Matter – Backed By Our IT Experts

Hiring developers can be challenging if you don’t have any technical background. You can have general guidelines and a technical recruiting cheat sheet, but it […]

What is Remote Recruitment and How Can It Help My Company?

Remote recruitment, also known as virtual recruitment, is the process of sourcing, interviewing, evaluating, and hiring employees for remote positions, all conducted virtually through modern […]

This enables our team to deliver their best work and innovate how headhunting and HR are done on a global scale.

Is Working from Home a Perk?

One of my pet bugbears about working from home is how many people miss out the ‘working’ part when they think about what your day. […]

Infographic: Hiring Disabled Workers as Remote Employees

Discover how technological innovations have removed the barriers for the disabled’s participation in the workforce. Remote work not only helps companies connect with a talented […]

The Five Best Personality Types For Remote Work

If given the option, most people would drop their office job for the unfettered freedom of working at home in their snuggie cape in a […]

The Best Cloud Sharing Software For Virtual Teams

Cloud sharing software is required when managing a successful business with local workers and digital nomads. With it, you can organize documents, spreadsheets, communication, presentations, […]

Tips for Remote Team Communication

Communication is important. Even those weird, oddly unproductive employees who share the same geographical location (can you believe people still do that when the benefits […]

How To Inspire Loyalty In The Workplace And Remote Dev Teams

Have you ever heard of the ‘war of talent’ concept? Steven Hankin of McKinsey & Company coined the term in 1997. And, in 2001, Ed Michaels, Helen Handfield-Jones, […]

The Best Screen Sharing Software For Virtual Teams

When you’re working with remote workers, sometimes verbal communication isn’t enough. Instead, you need to see exactly what’s on their screen or vice versa. For […]

The Best Video Conferencing Software For Virtual Teams

One of the most important aspects of managing remote workers well is regular video chats. As we’ve explained, video conferencing software can help your virtual […]

Smells Like Team Spirit – The importance of teamwork for remote workers

The fact is: where there is a sense of belonging, there is increased productivity. You’ll already know because we keep repeating it ad nauseum, remote teams are already more productive. So why not supercharge them with a great sense of team spirit? What follows are a few ideas of how to do it…

Reduce Development Workload And Time With The Right Developer

When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

Increase your development output within the next 30 days without sacrificing quality.

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