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Technical Documentation in Software Development: Types and Best Practices

What do you do when you need to organize multiple tasks in a few days? Usually, you write all the tasks in a to-do list, […]

Best Languages for Machine Learning in 2022

In a fast-changing world and dynamic systems, machine learning has become an essential part of a technology stack to predict possible outcomes in complex systems […]

Global Web Developer Salary Trends

You’re here because you want to know what the average web developer salary is, whether you are a job seeker or a hiring manager,  and […]

Golang vs. NodeJS: Which One Wins the Battle for Backend Development?

NodeJS has long had the upper hand in the ongoing rivalry with Golang and other programming languages. Golang, on the other hand, has emerging features […]

Python Developer Salary – Global Guide

Python is currently the second most popular programming language, according to The Tiobe Index of September 2021.  While the increase in the demand has influenced […]

5 Ways To Protect The Intellectual Property Of Your Software

Information makes the world go round. Rapid technological advancement allows easy access and distribution of information. This makes the intellectual property of your software vulnerable […]

Pros and Cons of Custom Software Development

Choosing between custom software development or off-the-shelf software for one of your companies is not easy. Any manager or leader will find it tough to […]

The Blockchain Developer Salary Guide for 2022

How much does it cost to hire a Blockchain Developer in 2022? As cryptocurrencies keep transforming the global economy and banking industry, more businesses are […]

React vs. Swift: Which One Is Better for Your iOS App

When developing an iOS app, usually one of the first questions businesses have is whether to use React Native or Swift. While React Native is […]

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When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

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