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JavaScript Framework vs Library: What’s the Difference?

At first glance, a programming framework and library may seem to be the same thing, or even similar in concept, but there is a big […]

Java vs Python: In-depth Comparison

Python and Java have over the years solidified as two widely adopted programming languages, often competing for the top three in terms of popularity in […]

Starting Your Software Company? Follow These Steps

How to start a software company from home? In the era of online business and massive joint ventures, it seems impossible to compete on the […]

What is Angular Material?

Angular Material is a library developed by Google that implements its design and user experience philosophies and methodologies in web apps developed in Angular.It provides […]

Best Database for iOS Applications

As smartphone users, we rely heavily on our devices to keep track of important information. From contacts to payments, our iPhones are equipped with powerful […]

Shopify Review: Main Pros and Cons (2024)

Shopify is among the first names that come to mind when people think about a platform for building and running an e-commerce store. It is […]

How to Use Laravel Framework in PHP

PHP is still one of the most popular programming languages with a market share of over 45%, according to 2021 data from Statista. It is […]

WooComerce vs. Magento: Which One is Better for E-commerce

If you plan to build an eCommerce website, WooCommerce and Magento are among the platforms you may consider. These two are eCommerce website builders that […]

6 Ways to Achieve Effective Software Maintenance

One of the most common misconceptions about the software development cycle is that it ends after deployment. However, another important phase after deployment takes place: […]

Reduce Development Workload And Time With The Right Developer

When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

Increase your development output within the next 30 days without sacrificing quality.

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