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Top 5 API Integration Platforms in 2024

API integrations enable organizations to automate business processes and improve the sharing and embedding of data between various applications and systems. While you can perform […]

Rust Vs Go – Everything You Need to Know

Before working on any software project, one of the first decisions you have to make is the language to use. Rust and Go are among […]

Flutter vs React Native: Which One is The Best for Development in 2022

You’re ready to build a kickass app for your business. But, which technology should you go for if you’re looking for cross-platform development at lower […]

Software Engineering Best Practices in 2024 

The problem with poor software is that it doesn’t just taint your image — you also lose revenue. Customers will likely turn to your competitors […]

Choosing CRM System: Best 5 CRMs for Your Small Business

If you are running a small business, a CRM system is one of the tools you need to effectively manage customer relations and sales. Having […]

Product Manager vs. Scrum Master vs. Product Owner: Key Differences 

With technology evolving at high speed, more companies are embracing the Agile Product Development roles to organize and successfully launch new products. These roles often […]

Data Engineer: Skills, Roles and Responsibilities

Data engineering is also known as information engineering; it translates to a software approach to developing information systems. In essence, data engineering comprises gathering, curating, […]

The SaaS Software Development Lifecycle Explained

Gone are the days when buying software for a company involved visiting an office supply store or waiting for a courier. With the advancement of […]

Python vs Django: Which Framework To Use?

Choosing a programming language for your product is a big challenge. You’re often indecisive due to the high number of programming languages in the market […]

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When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

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