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Category: Managing Remote Developers

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Managing Your Virtual Team Effectively Through Data

Avoid your daily commute, gain more flexibility, and work in your PJs (Well, not really) — these are some of the many reasons why companies […]

Remote Employee Monitoring: Is It Really Necessary?

The Coronavirus pandemic has forced many companies to transition to working remotely. Some of them, such as Twitter, have succeeded along the way. Others have […]

How to Use of a Business Cadence in Managing a Remote Workforce

Remember a few years ago when companies began transitioning from the traditional brick and mortar workplace to a more cost-effective remote workforce? It sounded awesome. […]

5 Lessons From a Successful Remote Leader

We’ve all heard the story about some guy who lived in a garage, came up with an idea and became a millionaire! Pure luck, some […]

Remote AID 2020: Communication on Remote Teams

What is Remote AID? Running Remote is the world’s largest remote work conference that gathers remote leaders who teach and share their experiences about building […]

5 Ways to Engage Your Remote Developer

Remote work and software development go together like tacos and guacamole or beer and pretzels. Even before C-19 changed the landscape, a big chunk of […]

How to Help Remote Employees Deal With Distraction

Right now, we’re experiencing an unprecedented level of work and life disruption that includes remote working by necessity.  Although dealing with distractions is a large […]

Successfully Onboarding a Remote Programmer in 2020

Remote work is a buzzword just now. As the world responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies who had never considered remote working are finding themselves […]

How to Create a Workplace Culture that Remote Employees Love

Remote Work had been the fastest growing sector of employment, even before COVID-19 made its presence and millions around the world were sent to work […]

Reduce Development Workload And Time With The Right Developer

When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

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