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Strategies for Startups to Find and Hire Developers(2024)

Finding and hiring the right developers is a cornerstone for your startup’s success, especially given the precarious nature of startup longevity. Statistics reveal that 70% […]

10 Tech Recruitment Tips That Matter – Backed By Our IT Experts

Hiring developers can be challenging if you don’t have any technical background. You can have general guidelines and a technical recruiting cheat sheet, but it […]

What is Remote Recruitment and How Can It Help My Company?

Remote recruitment, also known as virtual recruitment, is the process of sourcing, interviewing, evaluating, and hiring employees for remote positions, all conducted virtually through modern […]

This enables our team to deliver their best work and innovate how headhunting and HR are done on a global scale.

You Know You Need Remote Employees When…

The cat’s out of the bag. The secret sauce has been revealed. What was once kept under-wraps for companies relying heavily on dispersed teams, is […]

3 Ways Remote Employees Feel More Like Part of the Team

Ah the telecommuting life. A quick commute from the bedroom to the home office (with a pit stop in the kitchen for a bite to […]

How Remote Workers and Technology are Feeding Off Each Other

Technology helps remote workers get the job done. Working from home, and telecommuting in general, has been trending and growing around the world for several years now, […]

3 Things to Do When Hiring Remote Employees

Now Hiring – Experienced professionals everywhere! Hiring remote employees can be liberating; your business can focus on candidates who best fit the role and your […]

5 Reasons to Ditch Outsourcing and Hire Remote Full-Time Employees

It’s time to break up with your outsourcing company and move on to a longer, more fulfilling relationship. Once thought to be an attractive alternative […]

4 Tips for Managing Remote Workers in Different Time Zones

Better communication makes for better results. Remote workers are becoming an increasingly common part of the workforce. Office managers are finding new ways to communicate […]

How a Company’s Processes Defines Its Success

Among many other things, processes within a company are crucial to success. How you go about selecting employees, how you go about marketing your products […]

Why the Local Candidate Shouldn’t Be Confused with the Right Candidate

You’ve heard the old adage: “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” The idea is that a known quantity is just […]

3 Companies That Take Pride in Having a 100% Remote Staff

When it comes to business, you’ve likely already realized just how many positive benefits the Internet has to offer. From email campaigning to video conferencing, […]

Reduce Development Workload And Time With The Right Developer

When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

Increase your development output within the next 30 days without sacrificing quality.

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