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Worried Remote Work Will Damage Careers? Don’t

‘I got a promotion.’ The four words employees want to say more than once in their lives. Getting a promotion means you are doing things […]

8 Ways to Celebrate Wins With Your Remote Team

There’s nothing like the feeling of meeting a deadline, hitting a goal, or finally getting that piece of software finished and released. Seeing the hard […]

Virtual Company: The New Green Business

Climate Change is big news just now, and for good reason. Just a few days ago, NASA posted photos of how snow in Antarctica was […]

Could Remote Working Improve Collaboration

Let’s put the cards on the table about technology. At least once in our lives, we have heard someone say: Robots are going to take […]

How Did LinkedIn’s Predictions for 2019 Stack Up Against Reality?

Back in January this year, LinkedIn published its Global Talent Trends 2019 report. The professional social media site leveraged its impressive network and talked to […]

Why Remote Hiring Is The Answer To Business Imprisonment

Have you ever canceled vacations, not attended your kid’s games or recitals? Missed dates, anniversaries? Or have you decided to do away with that side […]

Why Generation Z Make the Perfect Remote Recruits

Move over millennials! The new kids are in town, and they’re taking over. Yes, there’s a whole new generation entering the workforce and they’re bringing […]

Why a High Cultural Intelligence is Important in a Remote Team

At its very heart, cultural intelligence is empathy. It’s about understanding a different point of view. In a distributed team, that understanding becomes even more […]

What Finland’s Remote Work Culture Can Teach Your Business

Finland has always been ahead of the flexible-work-hour curve. A survey found that 92% of Finnish companies offer flexible hours. It’s poised to become even […]

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When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

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