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Virtual Leadership Done Right: Complete Guide Based on Practical Experience

Running a company effectively takes great leadership skills, even in the best of times. Of course, these are not the best of times. A global […]

Agile Software Development Team Structure

When you have this ambitious idea of building software, whether for your company or a client, having a strong team is necessary. This not only […]

Are you a Helicopter Manager? Stop Micromanaging your Remote Team

Most managers feel the constant need to over-control their employees to make sure they are working and doing what they are supposed to. These managers […]

6 Stats that Will Change the Way You Engage Dispersed Teams

Dispersed teams are the trending topic of these days. A few decades ago, working from home wasn’t a possibility for most employees. Not only because […]

8 Actionable Tips to Start a Remote Small Business

2020 is the year that changed everything. Companies realized that they could work without having to be at an office micromanaging their teams.  And because […]

A Basic Trello Content Marketing Workflow for Remote Teams

Hey there, I’m Luís. You probably know me as the host of the DistantJob Podcast.  What you’re less likely to know about me is that […]

Remote Employee Monitoring: Is It Really Necessary?

The Coronavirus pandemic has forced many companies to transition to working remotely. Some of them, such as Twitter, have succeeded along the way. Others have […]

What Are the Best Practices of Hiring Developers For a Startup?

When you’re in the early stages of your business, making sure that you hire the right person for the role is vital. With 20% of […]

Twitter Has Joined the Remote Work Revolution

Months ago, when the pandemic started, companies were skeptical about remote working. How will this affect productivity? How are teams going to connect? How to […]

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When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

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