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Build and Release Engineer vs DevOps Engineer

With more sophisticated digital infrastructures, engineers and developers are now specialized roles that you cannot easily swap around in a dev team. A build and […]

Remote Doesn’t Mean Freelancer – Your Next Full-time Developer Can Work From Home

Remote work is the present and the future. The pandemic not only taught companies how well their teams perform while working from home, but it […]

Best Reference Check Questions When Evaluating Candidates

How the world is changing isn’t a surprise anymore. At some point, the new normal became routine. Transitions from on-site to remote or re-assessment of […]

How Hiring Remote Workers Will Boost Your Company’s Productivity

It is one thing to be busy, and quite another to be productive. Your employees can keep themselves occupied during working hours, without having much […]

Salary Negotiation Tips for Remote Workers

Does the idea of negotiating salary make you sick to your stomach? Don’t worry; sadly, this happens to most people. Whether it’s about salary negotiation […]

A Guide for the Best Remote Management Practices

Especially after the pandemic, diverse company roles had to adjust to new remote management practices. Yet, this sudden shift didn’t end up so well for […]

5 Easy Tips to Simplify the Transition from On-site to Remote Hiring

Since last March, companies have been experimenting with solutions to adapt to the global restrictions in travel and social life – which basically meant translating […]

9 Proven Strategies to Attract Top Talent in Tech

When it comes to exploring ways to attract top talent, for many, it’s all about the money. Offering high wages is the best way to […]

Telecommuting, Freelancing, and Remote Work – Which is good for business?

Hiring onsite workers is not what most businesses are looking forward to nowadays. Why would companies limit themselves when they can access a larger (and […]

Reduce Development Workload And Time With The Right Developer

When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

Increase your development output within the next 30 days without sacrificing quality.

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