Joana Almeida, Author at DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency

Joana Almeida

Software Developer


Joana Almeida, with her diverse experience as a programmer and game developer, stands out for her technical writing prowess on DistantJob, a remote IT staffing agency. Her background in software development and video game programming, enhanced by her roles in consulting and freelancing, has sharpened her expertise in areas like game design,tech stacks, UI development, and software development.

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All posts by Joana Almeida

Software Development Project Management Simplified: A Beginner’s Guide

In the field of project management, software development stands out as a particularly complex and dynamic area. According to a Techpedia report, organizations using project […]

C# vs. Java: What Are Its Main Differences

Both Java and C# occupy a solid position in the world of back-end development, cloud apps, Windows client applications, and big data processing among many […]

10 Best Node.js Security Best Practices in 2024

Node.js is one of the most reliable software to scale a growing business. It’s the best option for tech leaders such as Uber and eBay. […]

Web App Development: What You Need to Know

Web app development enables web-based projects to work and act as common applications you can find on your phone, for example. Web apps prioritize responsive […]

Top Low-Code Platforms: Navigating Your Options for 2024

Businesses and developers are always looking for ways to accelerate application development. Low-code development platforms have emerged as a game-changer. These platforms provide a visual […]

Best AngularJS Development Tools in 2024

Over the years, AngularJS has established itself as a key player in web development, supported by a vibrant community that offers a wealth of resources, […]

6 Reasons Why Code Reviews Are Especially Important for Remote Developers & Best Practices for Implementation

There are a lot of compelling reasons to carry out code reviews for distributed teams. Code review is an essential step in software development, focusing […]

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Programming: What You Need to Know

With the advent of more powerful processing, programming has split into two camps: synchronous and asynchronous. Each has its own use cases and pitfalls, and […]

Tech Stack Explained: Which one is the Right one for your Project?

Skills and experience aren’t the only factors determining a software product’s success. You also need the right tech stack. A tech stack directly influences a […]

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