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Sharon Koifman

Founder and Remote CEO at DistantJob


Sharon Koifman, the founder and remote president at DistantJob, specializes in recruiting top remote developers and spearheading remote workforce strategies.
Sharon's approach combines cutting-edge remote recruitment practices with a deep commitment to building effective, globally distributed teams.

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All posts by Sharon Koifman

Testimonial – How CEATI International’s Expectations Were Blown Away

The Centre for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI) is a user-driven organization that brings its electrical utility participants together to collaborate. Their goal: to […]

Testimonial – From Remote Developer at Surgent to Managing An Entire Remote Team

Surgent Professional Education is the largest independent provider of continuing education for CPAs and other financial professionals in the U.S. Surgent aims to serve as the […]

The Five Best Personality Types For Remote Work

If given the option, most people would drop their office job for the unfettered freedom of working at home in their snuggie cape in a […]

The Making of your Company’s Remote Culture

So, you’ve poured a lot of sweat and tears into building your startup company. You’re proud of your achievement, and yet, just like any parent, […]

3 Ways Remote Employees Feel More Like Part of the Team

Ah the telecommuting life. A quick commute from the bedroom to the home office (with a pit stop in the kitchen for a bite to […]

5 Reasons to Ditch Outsourcing and Hire Remote Full-Time Employees

It’s time to break up with your outsourcing company and move on to a longer, more fulfilling relationship. Once thought to be an attractive alternative […]

3 Companies That Take Pride in Having a 100% Remote Staff

When it comes to business, you’ve likely already realized just how many positive benefits the Internet has to offer. From email campaigning to video conferencing, […]

The Science and Success of the Remote Worker

The success of utilizing a remote workforce in the business world has become an undeniable reality. Approximately 10 percent of business professionals in the United […]

How to hire better people, faster

From Fortune 500 companies to small businesses with a handful of employees, all have a common hiring problem: There are a million more software developer […]

Reduce Development Workload And Time With The Right Developer

When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

Increase your development output within the next 30 days without sacrificing quality.

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