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Gabriela Molina

Journalist, Director of Content at DistantJob


Gabriela Molina, the Executive Editor at DistantJob and Director of Content at ThinkRemote, combines her experience as a former freelance journalist with deep insights into remote work, technology, and recruitment best practices. Her diverse journalistic background covers a wide array of topics, positioning her as a knowledgeable voice in the tech and remote work sectors. Featured on platforms like Datasciencentral and Simpleprogrammer, Gabriela's expertise extends to shaping narratives around remote workforce strategies, making her contributions to DistantJob invaluable for those navigating the remote tech hiring landscape

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All posts by Gabriela Molina

How to Become a Passion Driven Remote Leader with Lisa Foley

During this podcast episode, Lisa Foley shares insights on her professional journey from a background in psychology to being the CMO at Marketplace Superheroes. She reveals that passion is a key ingredient to being successful in any type of environment, whether remote or not. 

Android Developer Interview Questions for Non-Tech Recruiters

Is your company looking to hire a talented Android developer? If you have experience in recruiting and hiring developers, this shouldn’t be a daunting task. […]

Taking Ownership as a Remote Leader by Maya Middlemiss

Maya Middlemiss has been working remotely for 20 years, and she has learned the dos and don’ts of remote work. During this podcast episode, she shares interesting insights, both for employees and leaders, about remote work. She also helps remote managers to take ownership in their roles by helping them understand that being a good leader is about trust, not control.

The Three Key Motivators to Succeed While Working Remotely Sarah Aviram

Sarah Aviram is an expert in understanding what makes employees, whether remote or not, thrive at their jobs. After extensive research and one year traveling as a digital nomad, she understood that it’s not necessarily about working remotely or working at an office. One of the most important factors is to do a job you love. During this podcast episode, she shares insights on her research, and she also reveals the three key motivators to succeed while working remotely.

Encouraging Ownership in Your Remote Team with Stephen Sommers

In this podcast episode, Stephen Sommers explains in-depth why ownership is fundamental in any business. He shares, from his experience, why encouraging ownership and helping employees developing it changes the team’s dynamics for the better. He also shares valuable insights in diverse subjects such as culture, remote hiring, and tips for remote leaders.

Tips to Delegate Authority in Dev Teams

Development teams usually work at a face pace, making IT managers deal with all sorts of problems. When teams grow and have more projects on […]

Reduce Development Workload And Time With The Right Developer

When you partner with DistantJob for your next hire, you get the highest quality developers who will deliver expert work on time. We headhunt developers globally; that means you can expect candidates within two weeks or less and at a great value.

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