Aneesha Kochar, Author at DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency Fri, 22 Dec 2023 15:34:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aneesha Kochar, Author at DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency 32 32 Flutter vs React Native: Which One is The Best for Development in 2022 Fri, 28 Jan 2022 09:33:00 +0000 You’re ready to build a kickass app for your business. But, which technology should you go for if you’re looking for cross-platform development at lower […]

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5 Ways To Protect The Intellectual Property Of Your Software Thu, 14 Oct 2021 12:28:18 +0000 Information makes the world go round. Rapid technological advancement allows easy access and distribution of information. This makes the intellectual property of your software vulnerable […]

The post 5 Ways To Protect The Intellectual Property Of Your Software appeared first on DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency.

Interviewing DevOps Remotely? Top 5 Practical Interview Questions to Ask Tue, 22 Jun 2021 09:15:14 +0000 With the development of the IT sector, the role of DevOps engineers was born! DevOps bridge the gap between development and operations. In recent years, […]

The post Interviewing DevOps Remotely? Top 5 Practical Interview Questions to Ask appeared first on DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency.

How the PRO Act will Affect Your Relationship with Freelancers Wed, 05 May 2021 09:48:52 +0000 H.R. 842 is officially known as the PRO Act and was passed in the House on March 9 this year. The Pro Act has many […]

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The Importance Of Software Scalability Tue, 16 Mar 2021 10:06:55 +0000 You’re probably familiar with the term “Software Scalability”. It is also possible that you aren’t but you’d be happy to get acquainted with it. Let […]

The post The Importance Of Software Scalability appeared first on DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency.

What Salesforce New Remote Work Policy Says About Their Culture Thu, 11 Feb 2021 14:09:48 +0000 Empathy. The word, as we know, has been used many times, especially in 2020. We have heard of a new designation, Chief Happiness Officer as […]

The post What Salesforce New Remote Work Policy Says About Their Culture appeared first on DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency.

How to Hire a Full Stack Developer Wed, 27 Jan 2021 10:02:41 +0000 You’re ready with a great idea. The execution has begun. All the teams are taking a step forward as directed by you. The marketers, the […]

The post How to Hire a Full Stack Developer appeared first on DistantJob - Remote Recruitment Agency.
