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Vishal Srivastava

Freelance content marketer for recruitment niches


Vishal has played multiple roles over the past 8 years- a mechanical engineer, blogger, liberal arts student, & currently a marketing professional. Vishal's diverse experiences, particularly in the tech and marketing sectors, give him a unique perspective on emerging trends. Outside of his professional pursuits, he enjoys contemplating life in 2050, reflecting his forward-thinking approach and interest in future technological advancements.

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All posts by Vishal Srivastava

Golang vs. NodeJS: Which One Wins the Battle for Backend Development?

NodeJS has long had the upper hand in the ongoing rivalry with Golang and other programming languages. Golang, on the other hand, has emerging features […]

Pros and Cons of Custom Software Development

Choosing between custom software development or off-the-shelf software for one of your companies is not easy. Any manager or leader will find it tough to […]

ASP.NET Vs PHP : Which One to Choose for Your Next Project

If you’re a developer, you’ve probably had this dilemma – ASP.NET vs PHP. Which one should I learn? If you’re a business that is looking […]

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